It’s amazing to me that my computer still has moving parts.

It’s annoying to me to discover that my server actually has two fewer moving parts than expected, those parts being (i) the fan in the power supply and (ii) the read head on the hard drive.

The first I could probably deal with if I wanted to; the second is thoroughly beyond my powers to combat at this point in my life.

Oh well. Life goes on.

I’ve managed to recover the contents of my blog, sans comments. Strange though it sounds, I’ve been writing in this blasted thing since January 2003 (which actually means I’m coming up on 4 years of being an enormous nerd) and I’d like to keep it around. I suppose it’s like having a child; no matter how glaringly defective your offspring might be, getting rid of them is never really on the table.

The latest development builds of iClan, Stylunk, and Clieunk are all safe and sound, but since my Subversion repository was stored on the dearly departed drive all my history has just been unwritten. That may or may not be a bad thing – some of the code in early versions of Stylunk may actually be carcinogenic with prolonged exposure.

Oh well. Life goes on.